A Single Positronic Water Bottle Will Last You Your Entire Life!
A positron is a natural charge of atmospheric electricity. It is a creative charge that brings harmony.
Positron is a natural antibiotic – small-cluster water that penetrates cell membranes. In this water, calcium turns into silicon. It is good to take baths with the addition of positron water. Add it to the water for animals.
To order Positronic Water Bottle, click HERE

We know that in infancy a person has 90% water. By old age it is approximately 65%. But not only the percentage of water falls, the frequency characteristics of water fall. And when they reach the frequencies of pathological lodgers in the body, trouble COMES, including oncology.. Medicine bypasses the fact that the smell of hydrogen sulfide in our exhaust gases is an accompaniment of putrefactive processes in the intestines.. All serious diseases begin with the longest and dirtiest organ.. We have developed and well studied Positron water. A POSITRON IS A NATURAL CHARGE OF ATMOSURAL ELECTRICITY. It forms lightning in the warm season, and in the cold season, we see its presence on the glass in the form of a beautiful frosty pattern. The first of our contemporaries to make Positron water was A.G. Bakaev., but he did not reveal the secret of obtaining it.. In the 2000s, IT was introduced by Ayhan Duyuk, look at Sufi water.. It took us several years to rediscover it! Plants respond very well to clean rainwater, compared to simple tap water, because it also has a positron charge. But in our water it is much higher.. We have developed a drinking option.. In the form of winding a Tesla coil on a bottle.. This winding does not need a power source, since the Tesla coil is an Ether trap.. And having captured it, the coil is divided exactly in the middle into the electronic and positronic part, and exactly in the middle, there is an energy absorption zone, like a permanent magnet.. But electrons cannot break through the insulation of the wire, AND FOR POSITRON THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM! It freely passes through plastic, ceramics, glass and metal and enters the water. This is how water becomes Positron.. A positron has a Plus charge, just like a proton (hydrogen). But a proton cannot be kept in water for a long time.. But a positron settles in water and liquids for a LONG TIME.. Now I’ll say briefly.. We consume this water one and a half years.. It has been well studied by our doctors.. And we also know its properties.. This water has been tested both on athletes and on different age categories of people.. Athletes show high results due to lowering the fatigue level.. In lactic acid accumulates MUCH less in the muscles.. Positronic water opens all clogged vessels and capillaries.. Which SHARPLY reduces heart disease and strokes.. Arthritis and arthrosis gradually go away. POSITRON WATER ITSELF IS AN ANTIBIOTIC! therefore, you need to get used to it gradually. Otherwise, due to the collapse of dead vora in the intestines, biological poisoning occurs – TOILET.. You can add the rest yourself.
This is Alpha Water.. Alpha (positrons) is the energy of the CREATOR! She does not tolerate dirt, lies, or foul language! Treat this water with respect, it is a gift from the Creator.. We have been going to it for several years!
SINCE CHILDHOOD WE ALL ADOMINATED THE AMAZING AND FABULOUS PATTERNS ON FROZEN GLASS! Only now we understand that they were created according to the Fibonacci law, Divine harmonics and fractality…! These positron charges carry the program of HARMONY, BEAUTY AND CREATION! This program was given to HIM from the FIRST CREATOR! And who said that in our body, POSITRONIC WATER does not build the same positive harmonic energy connections??? And so that THEY do not collapse, we simply NEED to support these patterns with good thoughts and actions..! We also all remember the work of the Japanese scientist Emoto, who programmed water with thoughts and froze it.. And depending on the images and intentions, the drawings of crystalline ice CARRIED either harmony or disharmony…! So NATURE itself tells us… That according to our deeds we will be rewarded! And now, in an era of change, this is very relevant… LISTEN TO YOUR HEART!!

Image below: These are spectrograms of positron water fields sent by scientists.

With aging not only the % of water drops, the FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS of water in the body drop!!! (Medicine DOESN’T talk about this and DOESN’T KNOW!) And when a person’s Frequency characteristics have dropped to the characteristics of Pathogenic flora, trouble comes.. FROM CHRONIC DISEASES TO ONCOLOGY..! Honey. Science doesn’t say anything about this..! IT IS NOT AN ORGAN OR SYSTEM THAT IS DISEASED, IT IS THE WATER OF THIS ORGAN THAT IS DISEASED!!!!!!IT BECOME A FAVORABLE HABITAT FOR PARASITES and, as a consequence, DEGRADATION OF THE TISSUE OF THE ORGAN. ONLY high-frequency water can cure the WATER of cells, and Intercellular water! Not pills!!! WE have received such HIGH FREQUENCY WATER.. Close in parameters to children’s cellular water.. An example of this is the appearance of very liquid saliva in the mouth like a child’s.. And the child can drink such water as much as he wants, but for the elderly and sick we need to get used to such water ! And we have developed a method of administration.. There is one VERY INCONVENIENT TOPIC in medicine!!! They don’t talk about it! Because they don’t know what to do with it! In adults… The gases coming out are HYDROGEN Sulfide!!!! And hydrogen sulfide speaks of the processes of ROTATION in the intestines… A person can feel great! But the foundations of a serious illness have ALREADY BEEN LAID!!! By drinking OUR water, these processes STOP!!! FOR THE MICROFLORA OF ROTATION IS REMOVED FROM THE INTESTINES!! But the beneficial flora responsible for fermentation and breakdown of food into the fractions we need is PRESERVED!!! Our water works IMMEDIATELY AND SIMULTANEOUSLY in all organs and systems. But a person who starts drinking THIS water will first notice seething in the intestines and INCREASED gas production! DON’T BE AFRAID OF THIS IT WILL PASS SOON! This is how the body gets rid of pathogens.. Usually from a week to two! Elderly people get rid of constipation Only from this water.. How much water do you need to drink to bring ALL organs and systems back to normal??? Of course, EVERYTHING IS INDIVIDUAL! We are all different in age, in illnesses, in lifestyle, and so on.. But our studies have shown that the volume should be at least one and a half person’s weight.. Take this calmly and do not force events.. BUT I ASSURE YOU, – YOU WILL NOT DRINK ANY OTHER WATER! And now specifically, how favorably your body will respond to YOU for this work and care for it! THE BODY IS YOUR TEMPLE! AND KEEP IT CLEAN.. Have you heard or read about it.! The cleaning and throughput of the CIRCULATORY System and Lymphatics will begin! Elderly people whose hands and feet were frozen will feel a surge of warmth and energy in their hands and feet.. Cardiovascular diseases and the risks of strokes and heart attacks are SHARPLY reduced!!! And these are not words, but data from OUR doctors, this is indicated by diagnostic equipment.. The endocrine and hormonal system returns to normal..! A person wants to live and create again!! People notice that they began to consume less food, because this water contains a lot of etheric energy – PRANA! Muscles get tired less because lactic acid does not accumulate in them as before… WHICH IS CONFIRMED BY PRO ATHLETES. The skin is cleansed! Papillomas fall off, nail fungus goes away.. The skin gets rid of toxic odors.. Women are happy with the condition of their hair.. Because CALCIUM in this water becomes BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE, I can also say about teeth and nails. Wounds heal quickly, because this water has become ANTIBIOTIC in its frequency characteristics… Dramatic improvement in the condition of diabetic patients.. We went to this water for a long time, We knew about it.. This is an analogue of Sufi water, which was presented to the whole WORLD, except Russia, and We made the documents so that priority would be FOR RUSSIA! We give information about THIS water only to Conscious PEOPLE. And while RUSSIA is fighting DARK FORCES, this information is half-hidden! The properties of this water are universal for ALL living SYSTEMS of the Earth. We REVITALIZE the degrading water resources of the EARTH with this water. -rivers and lakes, and volunteers help us with this both in Russia and in Europe. A HUGE amount of work has been done in this direction over the year!!!

And we encourage new volunteers to join THIS movement. It would not be possible.. BUT THIS WATER INCREASES QUICKLY, TRANSFERING THE ENERGY POTENTIAL THAT IT CONTAINS. It is enough to pour 100-200 ml into any closed reservoir. of this water, as in a relatively short time ALL water becomes similar, and the Ecosystem is restored in it. As a striking example, I can give.. In the fall of 22, a Passive (no power required) Positron Generator was installed on the Sea of Azov by a female volunteer.. In the spring, its operation was checked. The ENTIRE Sea of Azov became ALIVE in terms of energy.. Many and early necessary algae appeared.. This is the first stage. Then cleaner crustaceans will appear, then along the food chain there will be an increase and variety of fish… In such water, fish gain up to 30% of normal weight.. This was tested in 22 at a fish farm in indoor pools in the Rostov region! This is about the question of…WHAT CAN ONE PERSON DO! Answer A lot… It’s time to repay the debts from our activities to MOTHER EARTH..

And so.. Positron water is the most nature-like water..! ITS spin field is like that of a healthy cell – ONLY RIGHT SCREW. The frequency of EE is very high, like in infants. It is very bioactive and does not tolerate dirt in the body! In nature, this is rain, THUNDER water! Water charged with positron current. It is different from industrial left-handed current. It is also called Cold Current. Lightning discharges are always accompanied by Strong Thunder, this is a property of Positronic Current! We have learned to charge water ABOVE its natural potential, which has a beneficial effect on the health of sick people… because in patients, cellular and intracellular water has low energy (frequency characteristics). By consuming Positron water, we increase the frequencies of intracellular water – cells begin to absorb well nutrition and release waste into the lymph. A person must drink 2 of his weight of this positronic water in order to cleanse all organs and systems, blood and lymph. After this, there is NO Bad Smell from the person; he completely expels intestinal pathogens that cause rotting processes. The smell of hydrogen sulfide is completely removed. Another of the main properties of Positron water is the cleaning of blood vessels. The danger of strokes and heart attacks is removed, microvessels are also cleaned, and those who constantly receive this water stop freezing at low temperatures. This water COMPLETELY restores the endocrine system, a person ceases to be apathetic and irritable, AND AGAIN feels the joy of life and a surge of strength. The athletes showed good results; they do not get tired during training as before. The muscles stopped quickly gaining lactic acid! In terms of energy, this water is very saturated with essential vitality. Energy bodies acquire INTEGRITY and Density, which is shown by AUROGRAPHY on medical equipment. So briefly ABOUT POSITRONIC MIRACLE WATER! People remember, we are water, from 90% in infancy to 60% in old age.. It is not the Organ that gets sick, but the water of this organ, the frequency characteristics there have decreased. Be healthy with POSITRONIC WATER! AND LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST!!!

Reviews from people who use positronic water bottle

A metal bottle with a coil wound for charging water with positrons.
Capacity from 0.75 to 1 l
Before the first use, you need to fill the bottle with water, after 2 hours, drain it and fill it with clean water.
After 40 minutes, the water is ready for use.
Use the first day 50 grams 2 times a day, gradually increasing the dosage by 25 grams every other day. that is, on the second day take 50 grams 3 times a day, the third day 75 grams 2 times a day, the fourth day 75 grams 3 times a day. And when you reach 150 grams, drink as much as you can)
Water purified by positron fields changes its energy state, is better absorbed by the cells of the body, and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. This water is a biostimulator for the human body, accelerates the production of endogenous hormones, normalizes the body’s metabolic processes, and the redox potential of cells.
In this generator of positronic water. created on the basis of the technology of structuring water with positronic energies in one body, it saturates water with etheric energies, disinfects water and changes its molecular structure, returning the properties of natural sources – healing – to the treated water.
Around each person there is an energy shell – an energy field that has the function of protecting a person from the effects of negative energy flows and the function of regulating the movement of energy flows in the human body.
To increase the strength of the energy field and harmonize energy flows in the human body, use positron water for ingestion.
Skin and hair become soft and silky
Laundry becomes brighter when washed
Hair fragility goes away
Skin doesn’t dry out
Heels don’t crack
Allergic skin itching goes away
The generator device consists of housing 1 and a water structurer (toroid coil)
2. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Pour clean water into the generator (the purer the water, the more healing it is); the preparation time for water in a 0.75 liter bottle is 40 minutes, 1 liter is 50 minutes.
Positron electrons pass through the body of the device into the water. In the cavity of the device body, water is softened, changes its chemical structure and is energized in microvortex flows.
Step 1: Turbulization of the treated water flow.
Step 2: Destruction of the disordered structure of the treated water.
Step 3: Structuring the water by transferring the structure of the galaxy vortex to the treated water. Step 4: Giving the water molecules turbulence and direction, ordered vibrations are set, similar to the vibrations of water from the bowels of the Earth.
As you know, the human body consists largely of water, and the diseases that arise in us are often associated with the use of low-quality water. This bottle is equipped with a built-in N. Tesla coil, it affects water with a certain electromagnetic field, which gives it special qualities, it becomes low-cluster. All energy information is removed from the water. It is better absorbed by the body, helps thin the blood and intercellular fluid, and the cells are better saturated with nutrients. The body rejuvenates and receives more vital energy. The process occurs due to the collision of the same poles of the coils, as a result of which a kind of energy is released, which saturates the water, bending around the outer shell of the coil bottle and at the same time vortexing positron fields inside the bottle, which makes the water healing.

To Get Water Bottle – Contact Us: [email protected]



  1. Speaking of WATER… I would like to say that this is the only element that cannot be destroyed… Unlike other elements… WHATEVER YOU DO WITH WATER, IT WILL REMAIN WATER! The fire can be extinguished.. The wind can be stopped, the earth can be changed.. ONLY WATER will remain without changing its properties and essence..
    Water wears away stones! That’s it.. Drop by drop, we will destroy the dam of mistrust, built by parasites, that divides people.

  2. Вода крутая!Употребляю позитронную воду уже несколько лет.Вода очень сильно прибавляет энергию и чувствую себя легко .

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