Positronic water Bottle


A Single Positronic Water Bottle Will Last You Your Entire Life! A positron is a natural charge of atmospheric electricity. It is a creative charge that brings harmony. Positron is a natural antibiotic – small-cluster water that penetrates cell membranes. In this water, calcium turns into silicon. It is good to take baths with the addition of positron water. Add it to the water for animals.

A metal bottle with a coil wound for charging water with positrons.
Capacity from 0.75 to 1 l
Before the first use, you need to fill the bottle with water, after 2 hours, drain it and fill it with clean water.
After 40 minutes, the water is ready for use.
Use the first day 50 grams 2 times a day, gradually increasing the dosage by 25 grams every other day. that is, on the second day take 50 grams 3 times a day, the third day 75 grams 2 times a day, the fourth day 75 grams 3 times a day. And when you reach 150 grams, drink as much as you can)
Water purified by positron fields changes its energy state, is better absorbed by the cells of the body, and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. This water is a biostimulator for the human body, accelerates the production of endogenous hormones, normalizes the body’s metabolic processes, and the redox potential of cells.
In this generator of positronic water. created on the basis of the technology of structuring water with positronic energies in one body, it saturates water with etheric energies, disinfects water and changes its molecular structure, returning the properties of natural sources – healing – to the treated water.
Around each person there is an energy shell – an energy field that has the function of protecting a person from the effects of negative energy flows and the function of regulating the movement of energy flows in the human body.
To increase the strength of the energy field and harmonize energy flows in the human body, use positron water for ingestion.
Skin and hair become soft and silky
Laundry becomes brighter when washed
Hair fragility goes away
Skin doesn’t dry out
Heels don’t crack
Allergic skin itching goes away


A Single Positronic Water Bottle Will Last You Your Entire Life! A positron is a natural charge of atmospheric electricity. It is a creative charge that brings harmony. Positron is a natural antibiotic – small-cluster water that penetrates cell membranes. In this water, calcium turns into silicon. It is good to take baths with the addition of positron water. Add it to the water for animals.

A metal bottle with a coil wound for charging water with positrons.
Capacity from 0.75 to 1 l
Before the first use, you need to fill the bottle with water, after 2 hours, drain it and fill it with clean water.
After 40 minutes, the water is ready for use.
Use the first day 50 grams 2 times a day, gradually increasing the dosage by 25 grams every other day. that is, on the second day take 50 grams 3 times a day, the third day 75 grams 2 times a day, the fourth day 75 grams 3 times a day. And when you reach 150 grams, drink as much as you can)
Water purified by positron fields changes its energy state, is better absorbed by the cells of the body, and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. This water is a biostimulator for the human body, accelerates the production of endogenous hormones, normalizes the body’s metabolic processes, and the redox potential of cells.
In this generator of positronic water. created on the basis of the technology of structuring water with positronic energies in one body, it saturates water with etheric energies, disinfects water and changes its molecular structure, returning the properties of natural sources – healing – to the treated water.
Around each person there is an energy shell – an energy field that has the function of protecting a person from the effects of negative energy flows and the function of regulating the movement of energy flows in the human body.
To increase the strength of the energy field and harmonize energy flows in the human body, use positron water for ingestion.
Skin and hair become soft and silky
Laundry becomes brighter when washed
Hair fragility goes away
Skin doesn’t dry out
Heels don’t crack
Allergic skin itching goes away
The generator device consists of housing 1 and a water structurer (toroid coil)
2. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Pour clean water into the generator (the purer the water, the more healing it is); the preparation time for water in a 0.75 liter bottle is 40 minutes, 1 liter is 50 minutes.
Positron electrons pass through the body of the device into the water. In the cavity of the device body, water is softened, changes its chemical structure and is energized in microvortex flows.
Step 1: Turbulization of the treated water flow.
Step 2: Destruction of the disordered structure of the treated water.
Step 3: Structuring the water by transferring the structure of the galaxy vortex to the treated water. Step 4: Giving the water molecules turbulence and direction, ordered vibrations are set, similar to the vibrations of water from the bowels of the Earth.
As you know, the human body consists largely of water, and the diseases that arise in us are often associated with the use of low-quality water. This bottle is equipped with a built-in N. Tesla coil, it affects water with a certain electromagnetic field, which gives it special qualities, it becomes low-cluster. All energy information is removed from the water. It is better absorbed by the body, helps thin the blood and intercellular fluid, and the cells are better saturated with nutrients. The body rejuvenates and receives more vital energy. The process occurs due to the collision of the same poles of the coils, as a result of which a kind of energy is released, which saturates the water, bending around the outer shell of the coil bottle and at the same time vortexing positron fields inside the bottle, which makes the water healing.


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